Fragforce July Virtual Event
Join us on Discord and Twitch while we play games virtually! Check the Event Information for our schedule and further details.
9:00 AM MST
- Thank yous & Welcome to the Stream
9:10 - 10:00 AM MST
- Open Stream Audio Discord Channel: Dominion
- Party Line #2 Discord Channel: Tabletopia
10:00 - 11:00 AM MST
- Open Stream Audio Discord Channel: Animal Crossing
- Party Line #2 Discord Channel: Tabletopia
11:00 - 11:50 AM MST
- Open Stream Audio Discord Channel: Super Mario Party
- Party Line #2: Dominion
11:50 - 12:00 PM MST
- Thank you for the support & closing remarks
How To Participate
- You can donate here:
- Remember that donations to Extra-Life are eligible for matching, so please request that match after you donate. You can view step by step instructions here: Extra Life Donation Flow - Fragforce Colorado
- You can join us by going to to watch the stream on the day of the event
- You can join us on discord to be part of the voice chatÂ
- Join the channel Party Line #1 channel up to 15 minutes before the game's scheduled time
- We will let the channel know when we are ready
- Then you will move to the channel for your game to begin